7 Key Factors for Making Rational Choices & Managing Feelings

7 Key Factors for Making Rational Choices & Managing Feelings
Psychologist Developed Self-Help System Impacting: Depression, Shyness, Low Confidence, Anger, Family and Job Problems and other Emotional Issues. The Alternative Feeling Concept is a system that is based on the book “Discovering Interests in Living and Working “by Walter H. Winkler. It redefines and reduces complex emotional issues to seven scientifically derived, easy to understand feeling factors. This enables a troubled person to look at and learn to resolve many of their emotional issues. When a matter becomes sufficiently painful - by understanding, relearning to handle certain emotional triggers, examining beliefs and focusing on possible solutions, relief is possible. Learn more by looking at the Intro to AFC and the 7 Satisfaction/Positive - Annoyance/Negative factors